
Swami says that the best way to love God is to Love All and Serve All. “Manava Seva is Madhava Seva” – that is, service rendered to Man is verily service rendered to God Himself.

The members of the Sri Sathya Sai Organizations of Tamil Nadu render selfless service to the society as part of their spiritual sadhana or efforts. If you too would like to offer your most precious asset – your time, towards these efforts, please consider becoming a member of the Sai family. Please fill up this form and you will be contacted by a member of the nearest samithi to you.

If you desire, you can also participate in the charitable activities of the Sri Sathya Sai Trust by offering your contributions towards these projects.

The Sri Sathya Sai Trust, Tamil Nadu is a Public Charitable Trust registered under Section 12A of the Income Tax Act,
1961 for carrying out activities in the areas of:

  1. Relief to the Poor
  2. Medical Relief
  3. Education
  4. Other objects of General Public Utility

The Trust has been granted recognition under Section 10(23C)(iv) of the IT Act and contributions to the Trust enjoy exemption under Section 80G of the IT Act.

Please click here to make an online contribution.

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