Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Who is
Sri Sathya Sai Baba

To His millions of devotees, He is the Supreme divinity in Human form; To a rationalist, He is the greatest humanitarian on Earth; to thousands of modern youth, He is a dynamic leader and a colossus of inspiration. To everyone who has had the blessing to behold Him – He is Pure Love Walking on Two Feet.

The fundamental truth of man’s divine nature is at the heart of His message and mission. In all HIS discourses, He addresses us as “Embodiments of the Divine Atma”. All who experience His pure and selfless love, and benefit from His illuminating counsel, and witness HIS miraculous nature, get a glimpse of the glory and majesty of God, and therefore of what one inherently is.

Bhagawan often says, I am God, but so are you. The only difference between Me and You is that while I am aware of this fact, you are not.

He has declared,

“I have come to light the lamp of love in your hearts, to see that it shines day by day with added luster. I have not come on any mission of publicity for any sect or creed or cause; nor have I come to collect followers for any doctrine. I have come to tell you of this Universal unitary faith, this path of Love. Believe that all Hearts are motivated by the One and Only God, that all names in all languages, and all forms man can conceive denote the one and only God. Cultivate the attitude of oneness between people of all creeds, all countries and all continents. This is the message of Love I bring.”

To learn more about HIS glorious Life, please click below

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